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2Month/20 Hours Price:365,000
Siebel Fundamentals Rel 15.5
Course Objectives
Describe Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applicationsNavigate the Siebel application user interface (UI)
Work with common Siebel business entities
User basic functionality of Siebel Sales and Siebel Call Center
Describe common cross-application features
Describe recommended implementation practices
Module1 : Siebel CRM Basics
Lesson 1: Introduction to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Definition and Importance of CRM
Benefits of Implementing CRM Systems
Lesson 2: Introduction to Siebel CRM
History and Evolution of Siebel CRMOverview of Siebel CRM Modules and Components
Lesson 1: Overview of Siebel Architecture
Client/Server ArchitectureWeb Architecture
Lesson 2: Siebel Server Components
Siebel Enterprise ServerSiebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
Siebel Database
Lesson 1: Introduction to Siebel Tools
Overview of Siebel Tools ArchitectureKey Features and Functions
Lesson 2: Configuring Siebel Applications
Using Siebel Tools for ConfigurationCustomizing Siebel Applications
Lesson 1: Understanding Siebel Data Model
Entities, Objects, and RelationshipsOverview of Siebel Data Layer
Lesson 2: Managing Siebel Data
Data Access Control in SiebelData Integrity and Validation
Lesson 1: Introduction to Siebel UI
Types of Siebel UI (Web, Mobile)Customizing UI Elements
Lesson 2: Personalizing Siebel UI
User Preferences and PersonalizationUI Navigation and Layout Customization
Lesson 1: Overview of Siebel Integration
Integration Methods and TechnologiesSiebel Integration with Other Systems
Lesson 2: Configuring Siebel Integration
Using Siebel Integration ToolsImplementing Integration Scenarios
Lesson 1: Siebel Deployment Architecture
Deployment Options (On-premise, Cloud)Best Practices for Deployment
Lesson 2: Siebel Administration
Managing Siebel Servers and ComponentsMonitoring and Troubleshooting Siebel Applications
Lesson 1: Introduction to Siebel Security
Security Architecture in SiebelUser Authentication and Authorization
Lesson 2: Configuring Siebel Security
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)Implementing Security Policies
Lesson 1: Overview of Siebel Reporting
Reporting Tools and TechnologiesCreating Reports in Siebel
Lesson 2: Siebel Analytics
Introduction to Analytics in SiebelLesson 1: Customization Options in Siebel
Types of Customizations (UI, Business Logic)Extending Siebel Functionality
Lesson 2: Developing Siebel Extensions
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