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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:45,000


R Programming for Data Science

Our R for data analysts training course is designed for teams looking to replace or augment Excel, SPSS or SAS workflows with R. It will help you gain a clear understanding of the principles of data analysis and wrangling, and how to use the versatile R programming language for data analysis. We will cover many different data formats and topics, so you will have the skills necessary to start working in R with most types of data.

The Data Science with R programming training covers data exploration, data visualization, predictive analytics, and descriptive analytics techniques with the R language. You will learn about R packages, how to import and export data in R, data structures in R, various statistical concepts, cluster analysis, and forecasting.

R for Data Sciences Course Key Topics 

Introduction to R and RStudio

Basics of the R language
Advantages of RStudio
Discovering, installing and using R packages

Data wrangling and tidyverse basics

Importing data from Excel, .csv, SPSS and SAS files
Long vs Wide Data
Data.frames, tibbles and tidy data
Factors, Dates and other data types

Exploratory Data Analysis

Summary statistics
Cross-tabulation and hierarchical group summaries
Quickly visualise and explore datasets with ggplot2

Business Intelligence

Design effective data visualisations
Create functions to automate repetitive tasks
Use RMarkdown to create PDF, HTML and MS Word reports

Web scraping

HTML and CSS basics for web scraping
Extracting links with rvest
Automating scraping with functions and parallel programming

Maps and Geographic Data

Creating geoscatterplots
Obtaining shapefiles to create choropleth
Designing effective choropleth with leaflet

Course Prerequisite 

There are no prerequisites for this Data Science with R certification course. If you are a beginner in Data Science, this is one of the best courses to start with.

Who should take up this R training course?

Software Engineers and Data Analysts
Business Intelligence Professionals
SAS Developers wanting to learn the open-source technology
Those aspiring for a career in Data Science

International student Fee : 300 $ | 1,125 SAR | 1,125 AED

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Week End Classes For Professionals  SAT | SUN
Corporate Group Trainings Available
Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training

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