Social Media Marketing To Get Leads & Grow Hack

Social Media Marketing To Get Leads & Grow Hack


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:35,000


Social Media Marketing To Get Leads & Grow Hack

Getting Business Growth with a powerful Social Media Marketing get more Leads and growth your business online without Digital Marketing Agency. Are you interested to start a Social Marketing for your new startups or a an individual will to get modern marketing or digital marketing skills? this course includes a super simple Planning template which will help you organise your time on social media. Create your social media brand that bring customers to you, get “more Leads and more Sales more Business Growth” with a powerful social media strategy.

Course Content:

Implement SUPER SIMPLE techniques which will provide massive results
Set yourself up to 10X your lead generation for massive results in less than 20 mins a day
Post lots of content without needing to create a lot
Set yourself up for success on social media for FAST results
Get results with the least amount of effort required
Find your audience
Get more followers
Create a strategy for your brands social media
Create a rinse and repeat plan
Research your audiences real needs and likes
Research your competition
Create free content for your social media


You should have a business or business idea
Have or be able to set up your social media accounts
Have a basic understanding of what social media 

 International Student fees: USD 200$

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