Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service Implementation Essentials – 1Z0 443

Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service Implementation Essentials – 1Z0 443


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:125,000


Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service Implementation Essentials – 1Z0 443

Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service is a comprehensive learning solution that helps your organization perform at the highest levels by linking investments in people to bottom-line business results. Based on a scalable and extensible cloud platform, Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service provides a system for delivering, managing, and tracking your learning initiatives. Featuring a flexible architecture that adapts to business requirements and learning cultures, it givesyou the power to make the changes you need, when you need them. Individuals who earn this certification are skilled in working with Sub LearnCenters, configuring Web-Based Training (WBT), creating Instructor Led Training (ILT) and enrollments, managing users, configuring LearnCenter pages and content, creating assessments and surveys, and creating learning plans.

Certification Benefit

While the exact figures vary, data consistently show that certified employees earn more than their non-certified peers. Among the 9,500 IT professionals who responded to Global Knowledge 2015 Salary Survey:
• Among IT professionals who are certified, 77% report that they are paid
fairly, and 77% also believe that certifications have impacted their salary.
• Among managers, 76% believe that certification has a positive impact on

Course OutLine
 Module1:Setting System and Local Options
Describe the difference between the Root LearnCenter and Sub LearnCenters
Configure System-level LearnCenter Settings
Set security options including login behavior and password recovery

 Module2: Creating and Managing User Accounts
Describe methods for creating user accounts
Create user accounts
Manage user accounts

 Module3:Creating Groups
Describe the purpose of groups
Create and manage groups
Analyze considerations for input criteria and output mapping

 Module4:Assigning Administrator Permissions via User Roles
Explain the different types of permissions within a user role

 Module5:Creating Supervisors
Describe the different types of permissions assigned to a Supervisor Account
Configure functionality for supervisors through My Team

 Module6:Working with Sub LearnCenters
Set up a Sub LearnCenter based on customer requirements
Create and copy Sub LearnCenters based on customer requirements

 Module7: Configuring LearnCenter Pages and Display Content and Containers
Describe the anatomy of the LearnCenter page
Configure the LearnCenter Page Display (including headers, titles, navigation, dynamic objects, etc.)

 Module8:Uploading and Inserting Web-Based Training (WBT)
Explain the difference between uploading, importing and inserting Content
Import a Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) or Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) content to the LearnCenter

 Module9:Uploading Files to the Resource Manager
Describe types of files and size limits
Upload, version, and share a file

 Module1o:Create Courses with Course Editor
Create a LearnCenter course

 Module11:Creating Categories for Containers
Explain how Categories can be used in the LearnCenter
Create Categories and Sub Categories
Map Categories to Learning Objects

 Module12:Creating Assessments and Surveys
Explain when to set up assessments and surveys in the authoring tool or in the LearnCenter
Describe question types and features
Create and manage questions and answers
Create Instances

 Module13:Creating Instructor Led Training (ILT) and Enrollments
Describe the structure of Events, Tracks, and Sessions
Create ILT Events, Tracks, and Sessions
Create Enrollments
Implement Enrollment Types based on customer requirements
Describe when to use enrollment messages based on customer requirements

 Module14:Creating Learning Plans
Describe the purpose of a Learning Plan
Describe ways in which to configure Learning Plan messages
Create a Learning Plan (map items, sequence items, etc.)
Assign a Learning Plan based on customer requirements

Training Track:  Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service 2016 Implementation Essentials – 1Z0 443

International Student Fees:$500

Job Interview Preparation  (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)

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Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training

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