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2Month/20 Hours Price:120,000
Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Developer Essentials – 1Z0 346
Oracle Mobile Cloud Servivce(MCS) integrates mobile apps securely and subsequently provides metrics that may be used to develop an overall mobile strategy, metrics about users such as their location, number of users, and whether those users are able to use the mobile apps productively. MCS has several built-in APIs for mobile storage, mobile user management, data offline, data sync, push notification, and analytics.
Is Certification Worth It?
The answer is a resounding YES for IT professionals who are looking to boost their career. While there are no guarantees, certification has been shown to enhance various aspects of an IT professional’s career, including:
• Employability
• Salary
• Job Effectiveness
• Job Satisfaction
Certification Benefit
While the exact figures vary, data consistently show that certified employees earn more than their non-certified peers. Among the 9,500 IT professionals who responded to Global Knowledge 2015 Salary Survey:
• Among IT professionals who are certified, 77% report that they are paid fairly, and 77% also believe that certifications have impacted their salary.
• Among managers, 76% believe that certification has a positive impact on salaries.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
Course Outline:
Describe the design-time architecture of Mobile Cloud Service (MCS)Articulate the value of key MCS features
Explain project roles in a typical MCS project
Describe MCS lifecycle management features
Explain client SDK capabilities
Describe the client development options bundled with MCS
Module2Mobile Backends
Describe the role of a mobile backendDesign, create and configure a mobile backend
Use diagnostics to monitor performance and debug APIs
Module3:Platform Features
Authenticate mobile usersManage storage collections
Manage app data using data offline and sync features
Send notifications to devices using the notifications feature
Describe the REST connector capabilitiesDescribe SOAP connector capabilities
Create and configure connectors
Configure security for connecting to backend services
Module5:Custom APIs
Explain key features of Node.jsDesign a custom API
Implement a custom API
Call MCS APIs from custom code
Package custom code into a module
Test and debug a custom API
Use the analytics dashboard to gather insight into a mobile applicationDescribe how data is populated in the analytics dashboard
Use system events and custom events for analytics
Describe security aspects of MCSControl mobile user access with roles and realms
Explain how to federate MCS with on premise security infrastructure
Use MCS logging and diagnostics
Monitor the health of an environment
Version MCS artifacts
Promote artifacts between environments
Administer MCS environments
Training Track: Oracle Mobile Cloud Service 2016 Developer Essentials – 1Z0 346
International Student Fee: 500 USD
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
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Flexible Class Option
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