Salesforce Administrator – CPQ Specialist Training

Salesforce Administrator – CPQ Specialist Training


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:285,000


 Salesforce Administrator – CPQ Specialist Training

The Certified Salesforce CPQ Specialist credential is designed for individuals who have experience implementing the Salesforce CPQ solution. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce customers, partners, and employees who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing quoting flows through the Salesforce CPQ platform. Once credentialed, Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialists will have demonstrated their ability to build bundle configurations, pricing, output documents and renewals, and amendments.

Course Key Learnings
The Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist candidate has experience with the Salesforce CPQ solution, and has the skills and knowledge of the following:
Configure bundles (features, options, option constraints, configuration attributes) and product rules.
Configure price rules using lookup objects and formula fields, and understand quote calculation sequence and quote line pricing fields.
Given a scenario, identify the appropriate pricing method (discount schedules, block pricing, contracted prices, subscription pricing, percent-of-total).
Configure a dynamic quote template using quote terms, line columns, template sections and template content.
Generate renewal and amendment quotes.
Troubleshoot and solve basic product rules, pricing issues, and data flow.
Utilize the ordering and contracting processes.
Manage products, pricebooks, and pricebook entries.
Configure user permissions, record types, page layouts, and field sets.
Familiarity with native and advanced approvals.
Knowledgeable about CPQ object data model (object relationships, twin fields, data migration, localization).
Knowledgeable about CPQ package level settings and managed package considerations.
Configure search filters, and custom actions for product selection and configuration.
Course Outline

Course Introduction

Review Course Objectives
Set Learner Expectations
Review Housekeeping Rules
Explore Additional Course Resources
Review Exam Quick Facts

Introduction to CPQ

Understand the Business Case for CPQ
Watch an End-to-End Solution Demo
Build a Quote

Object Model Foundations

Get Familiar with Products, Price Books, and Price Book Entries
Review Product Fields Integral to Basic Salesforce CPQ Functionality

Product Selection

Modify Out-of-the-Box Button Behavior for Product Selection
Review Guided Selling

Bundle Configuration

Define and Build Product Bundles
Enforce Business Logic with Product Features

Option Selection Guidelines

Enforce Business Logic with Option Constraints

Product Rules

Define Product Rules
Enforce Business Logic with Product Rules (Including Validation Rules, Alert Rules, Selection Rules, and Dynamic Bundles)
Build Product Rules Using Supporting Objects (Including Error Conditions, Product Actions, Summary Variables, Configuration Rules, and Configuration Attributes)

Pricing Methods

Discover Pricing Waterfall Default Flows
Review List Pricing, Cost Plus Markup, and Block Pricing
Use Contracted Pricing for Negotiated Prices

Subscription Pricing

Configure Subscription and Proration Pricing Methods
Understand How Subscription Pricing Methods Affect List and Regular Price


Compare Discounting Strategies
Build a Discount Schedule

Price Rules

Set Values for Quote and Quote Line Fields Declaratively
Review CPQ Advanced Quote Calculator Calculation Events and Conditions
Understand Price Action Sources (Including Static Values, Summary Variables, Formulas, and Lookup Tables)
Create Lookup Queries to Outsource Evaluation to a Lookup Object

Advanced Approvals 

Compare and Contrast the Advanced Approval Package Versus Native Approvals
Define Approvers, Approval Chains, Approval Variables, and Approval Rules to Meet Specific Business Requirements

Quote Templates

Generate Dynamic Output Documents
Create Conditional Template Content

Localization and Multicurrency

Make Accommodations for Localization
Define Localization and How It Works in CPQ


Review Business Purposes of an Order
Define the Data Model for Orders
Define Data Requirements to Generate Orders

Contracts, Renewals, and Amendments

Generate New Contracts to Manage Active Subscriptions Related to an Account
Review Amendment and Renewal Processes
Review Renewal Pricing Methods


Class Project: Troubleshoot Common Scenarios in Salesforce CPQ
Design a Solution

About the Exam     

Read on for details about the Salesforce CPQ Specialist exam.

Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and 5 unscored questions*
Time allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutes, (time allows for unscored questions)
Passing score: 65%
Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Retake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment.
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Prerequisite: None required; course attendance highly recommended
Please note: When evaluating questions and answers, please consider all currently available features including those available in either Lightning Experience or Salesforce Classic.


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