Node.js Developer with MongoDB

Node.js Developer with MongoDB


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:45,000


Node.js Developer with MongoDB

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.
Node.js represents a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts.
Students will learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, and more!

Node.Js Course Key Learning

Installing and Exploring Node.js

Section Intro: Installing and Exploring Node.js
Installing Node.js and Visual Studio Code
What is Node.js?
Introduction of Node.js
Why Use Node.js?
Wiring First Node.js Script

Node.js Module System Project-1(Notes App)
Importing Node.js Core Modules
Importing Your Own Files
Importing npm Modules
Printing in Color
Global npm Modules and nodemon

File System and Command Line Args (Notes App)
Section Intro: File System and Command Line Args
Getting Input from Users
Argument Parsing with Yargs
Storing Data with JSON
Adding/ Removing a Note
ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions
Refactoring to Use Arrow Functions
Listing Notes – Reading a Note

Debugging Node.js (Notes Apps)
Section Intro: Debugging Node.js
Debugging Node.js
Asynchronous Node.js
Call Stack, Callback Queue, and Event Loop
Making HTTP Requests
Customizing HTTP Requests
An HTTP Request Challenge
The Callback Function
ES6 Aside: Object Property Shorthand and Destructuring
Destructuring and Property Shorthand Challenge

Web Servers Project-2(Weather App)
Web Servers Introduction
Hello Express!
Serving up HTML and JSON
Serving up CSS, JS, Images, and More
Dynamic Pages with Templating
Customizing the Views Directory
Advanced Templating

Styling the Application
Accessing API from Browser (Weather App)
Section Intro: Accessing API from Browser
The Query String
Building a JSON HTTP Endpoint
ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters
Browser HTTP Requests with Fetch
Creating a Search Form
Wiring up the User Interface

Application Deployment (Weather App)
Section Intro: Application Deployment
Joining Heroku and GitHub
Version Control with Git
Exploring Git
Integrating Git
Setting up SSH Keys
Pushing Code to GitHub
Deploying Node.js to Heroku
New Feature Deployment Workflow
Avoiding Global Modules

MongoDB and Promises  (Task App)
Section Intro: Databases and Advanced Asynchronous Development
MongoDB and NoSQL Databases
Installing MongoDB
Installing Database GUI Viewer
Connecting and Inserting Documents
Inserting Documents
The ObjectID
Querying Documents
Updating Documents
Deleting Documents
International sTUDENT fEES: 250USD 

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