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1Day/8 hours Price:35,000
Negotiation Skills Course – to Win
This Negotiation Skills Course highlights the skills and qualities you already use, introduces some new ones and hones them all for more effective use in lots of different negotiation scenarios.
We all have to negotiate.
Sometimes it’s ‘hard’ negotiation, such as negotiating a new piece of work, a salary increase or the price we’ll pay for a house, an advertising campaign or a used car.
Sometimes it’s ‘soft’ negotiations such as getting your children to do their homework (well, actually, that’s probably hard), deciding who’s going to do what in your team or handling staff conflict.
The principles are the same though.
Differentiating between hard, soft, and principled negotiation approaches.
Exploring the role of effective communication in negotiations.
Preparation and Strategy:
Identifying interests, positions, and potential trade-offs.
Developing a negotiation plan.
Key Tactics and Techniques:
Active listening skills during negotiations.
Using persuasive language and framing.
Handling objections and concessions.
Creating Win-Win Agreements:
Balancing assertiveness and cooperation.
Finding mutually beneficial solutions.
Crafting clear and enforceable agreements.
Building rapport and trust.
Recognizing and addressing emotional triggers.
Handling Difficult Situations:
Dealing with tough negotiators.
Resolving impasses and deadlocks.
Navigating cultural differences.
Course Benefits:
Maximized Value: Learn to secure favorable deals and outcomes.
Conflict Resolution: Apply negotiation skills to resolve conflicts effectively.
Positive Reputation: Build respect and credibility.
Career Advancement: Enhance your career prospects.
Career Path:
Graduates with strong negotiation skills can explore various career paths:
Project Management: Handle resource allocation and stakeholder negotiations.
Human Resources: Resolve employee disputes and salary negotiations.
Legal Professionals: Negotiate settlements and agreements.
Entrepreneurship: Secure funding, partnerships, and vendor contracts.
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