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  1Month/10 Hours                                                  Price:45,000


Lean Management

Mastering lean leadership and lean culture is essential to your success as a manager and your company’s success. Lean is eliminating waste and the disciplined method of optimizing value to customers. It is creating a culture that brings out the best in all employees. If you do this… you will succeed as a leader in your organization!

After completing this course, you’ll be able to apply lean principles and create transformation teams that thrive by eliminating waste, maximizing customer value, and developing their workers into highly skilled and motivated teams.

Course Participants will learn;

Module-I  Learn how to use the principles of lean management to optimize production, eliminate waste, and maximize customer value

Module-II  Leading Change: Lean Culture, Lean Manufacturing, Continuous Improvement & Toyota Production System

Module-I   Lean Management Principals 

What lean management is and how to make it work for your organization
How to effectively lead and improve your team using lean principles
Eliminating unnecessary tasks and delays in your production process
Reducing mistakes, overproduction, and overprocessing caused by your workflow
Mapping out, analyzing, and optimizing your own process
How to improve your team using lean principles
What it takes to build a lean culture within your organization

Module-II  Leading Change 

Implement continuous improvement and lean culture (Toyota Production System).
You will be able to eliminate waste and engage your team members in an on-going process of continuous improvement (kaizen).
You will design a system of natural work and management teams who engage in continuous improvement.
The student completing this course will know the essential problem solving methods employed in continuous improvement and will be able to lead his or her team in continuous improvement.

5S Methodology

SORT – Sort out and discard unnecessary items
SET IN ORDER – Arrange necessary items in good order
SHINE – Clean the workplace and equipment thoroughly
STANDARDIZE – Maintain high standards of workplace at all items
SUSTAIN- Train people to follow good housekeeping dicipline automatically

Who Should Attend ?

Any manager, team leader, or anyone aspiring to improve the performance of his or her organization.
Digital transformation program leaders and manages

International Student Fees: 200USD

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