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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:35,000


Digital Marketing Strategy Master

Course participants will learn Digital Marketing Strategy in its details, understanding the traditional advertising vs. digital advertising Eco-system. How to plan, create and deliver a digital marketing strategy that gets the very best, both short term and long term, from the digital channels your customers have adopted.

Course Objectives

  1. Understand how and why to use digital marketing for multiple goals within a larger marketing and/or media strategy
  2. Understand the major digital marketing channels – online advertising: Digital display, video, mobile, search engine, and social media
  3. Learn to develop, evaluate, and execute a comprehensive digital marketing strategy and plan
  4. Learn how to measure digital marketing efforts and calculate ROI
  5. Explore the latest digital Ad-technologies

Digital Strategy Course Contents

Creating a Comprehensive Digital Plan

  1. Introduction to structuring a digital strategy.
  2. Online marketplace analysis.
  3. Create overall digital strategy.

Creating an online acquisition communications plan and budget

  1. Introduction to digital media.
  2. Review digital media effectiveness.
  3. Create a communications budget.
  4. Create an online acquisition strategy.
  5. Optimise media channels.

Interaction with your audience

  1. Improving site customer journeys.
  2. Content marketing strategy.

Boost your conversion to sale

  1. Introduction to Conversion rate optimisation (CRO).
  2. Persuasion and site design.
  3. Mobile Commerce

Customer Engagement

  1. Introduction- Evaluating customer engagement.
  2. Social media marketing strategy.
  3. Email marketing strategy.

Who should attend

This is a professional course for anyone involved with the hands-on management of digital channels, or the over-arching digital strategy. You may be working in a client side or agency side role, either as an digital marketing specialist or a marketer.

International Student fees: USD 200$

Job Interview Preparation  (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)

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