Billing and Revenue Management API Developer

Billing and Revenue Management API Developer


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:180,000


Billing and Revenue Management API Developer

In this technical course, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management server. The API Developer class is appropriate for students who need to know how to customize the system for specific business solutions. They will understand the data structures and how to extend the database using the Developer Center. The APIs are powerful tools and students will learn how to use the APIs to extend existing Billing and Revenue Management functionality and/or add new functionality. During hands-on labs, students will work on an end-to-end customization of the product.

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Required Prerequisites

Familiarity with C or C++ programming, UNIX basic commands
Knowledge of basic programming constructs and logic
Proficiency with text editors, vi for UNIX users, WordPad
Billing and Revenue Management Functional Overview 7.5

Course Objectives

Define BRM data structure
Describe BRM architecture
List the ways that BRM can be customized
Extend the database by creating new fields and storable classes
Set up event notification
Customize the registration process and activity tracking
Create a custom Opcode and Facility Module
Create a custom Data Manager

Course Topics

BRM Architecture

Identify the four tiers of the BRM architecture
Describe the rating and discounting architecture
Describe the processes in the CM and DM tiers
Use BRM Online Documentation to locate information

Configuring BRM

Navigate through the BRM server directory structure
Interpret the contents of the BRM configuration files
Start and stop BRM processes

BRM Object Model

Define the Storable Class, Storable Object, and Flist
Explain Flist Specifications
Define the BRM data types
Explain how a storable class maps to the BRM database
Use the Developer Center to define and view storable classes and objects

Understanding BRM Opcodes

Define a BRM Opcode
Differentiate between Standard, Policy, and Base Opcodes
Determine the input and output Flist for a specified Opcode

The PIN Macros

Explain the BRM programming flow
Differentiate between the PCM and PIN Libraries
Use the PIN macros to construct Flists and to manage memory for POIDs and Flists

The PCM Macros

Use PCM Macros within the BRM program flow
Become familiar with the syntax of the commonly used PCM Macros

Error Handling and Debugging

Use PIN Macros to manage the error buffer and pinlog files
Use the debugging process to determine the cause of errors
Parse the contents of BRM pinlog files

Pricing Developer Tasks

List and explain the prerequisite tasks for creating a price plan
Create new resources
Define new Ratable Usage Metrics

Customizing the Registration Process

List four opcodes used in the customer registration process
List the ways of changing the field validation rules
Customize the registration process by populating new fields with defaults at registration time

Extending Event Creation

Describe the flow of standard and policy Opcodes used in the activity tracking process
Customize the event creation process by modifying sample_act utility and generate events
Enable and verify event notification

Custom Facility Modules and Opcodes

Create a custom FM and Opcode

Creating a Custom Data Manager

List the reasons for creating a custom Data Manager
Describe BRM Data Manager design
Create a custom Data Manager

Minimum Participants: 4 Person or More

International Student Fee : 1000 USD | 3,750 AED | 3,750 SAR

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