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2Month/20 Hours Price:90,000
Oracle SCM Cloud – Product Development Administration
Participants in the Product Development Administration course will learn how to configure the application by creating object types and workflow statuses, adding page attributes, and designating default approvers. They will also create user accounts and custom roles. Furthermore, they will learn how to set up integration with Innovation Management.
Create an item instance and enter attribute.
Create a document instance and enter attribute.
Create a manufacturer instance and enter attribute.
Create a manufacturer part instance and enter attribute.
Organize a product structure and assign a manufacturer part to an item in that structure.
Create a change order instance and enter attribute details.
Use a change order to change a lifecycle phase, add a part to the product structure, and assign a manufacturer part to an item in that structure.
Create a document instance and enter attribute.
Create a manufacturer instance and enter attribute.
Create a manufacturer part instance and enter attribute.
Organize a product structure and assign a manufacturer part to an item in that structure.
Create a change order instance and enter attribute details.
Use a change order to change a lifecycle phase, add a part to the product structure, and assign a manufacturer part to an item in that structure.
Course Content:
Manage Item and Document ClassesAdd Custom Attributes
Manage Lifecycle Phases
Add Custom Manufacturer Part Attributes
Create a change order class
Create a workflow status
Modify a change order workflow
Add a flexfield to a change order class
Create user accounts
Create custom roles
Relocate flexfields
Create a connector for Product Development
Use Implementation Projects
Training Track: Oracle Cloud
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
Stay connected even when you’re apart
Internships, Freelance and Full-Time Work opportunities
Flexible Class Option
Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
Corporate Group Training Availables Options
Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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