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5Day/40 Hours Price: 35,000
Communicate with Impact
Omni Academy invites you to immerse yourself in the art of business communication. Communicate with Impact course is designed to help delegates to take a serious look at themselves in relation to who they are now and who and how they want to be in the future.
Communicate with Impact will equip you with the awareness, tools, confidence and energy to create the impact you choose when you choose to create it.
This is a challenging communications course that incorporates material from many disciplines.
It will make a substantial difference to your leadership, communication and relationship skills.
Course Key Topics
CP1 – Communication is Key
Developing awareness of how impact is createdWhat else would you like over the five days of this course?
What does ‘Communicating with Impact’ mean to you?
Making an Impact
Communication dynamics – how it works
Listening as a communications tool
Listening with Empathy
First Impressions and Attitude
Terms of Reference
Assertiveness and Aggression
Defusing conflict and arguments
Body Language
CP2 – Influencing Through Voice and Character
Exploring Influencing through the Power of voiceLanguage and storytelling
Breathing technique
Stabilising nervousness
Improve volume control
Voice Projection
Tone – The underlying intention of the message
Speed -The subliminal effects of fast and slow speech
Rhythm -Using pause and pace to create interest
Pitch – Exploring the music in voice and language
Increasing the power and impact of the voice
Cultural differences in language styles and sound of the voice
Stereotypes and assumptions which are set by vocal tone and non-verbal behaviors
Linguistic styles of modern Anglo Saxon speech
Words people use to reveal their thinking, learning style and perception
Storytelling – Creating stories to communicate a specific idea
Exploring internal and external motivators
Project Buster an influencing strategy to get commitment and buy-in from people
CP2 – Perception is Vital
Non- verbal communicationHandling Difficult Messages
Dealing with crisis communications
How behavior and communication styles together create a perception in the minds of others
It’s not what we have said but what the other person thinks we have said that is important
Sometimes our words say one thing but our tone and actions will speak louder
Understand how we are perceived by others
‘Forum Theatre’ using actors in various situations to allow delegates to observe, advise and interact with the actors as different scenarios are played out
Communications models
30-second Impact
Choosing your Status
Choosing the impact you make
Gaining confidence
Feeling and behaving more assertively
Dealing with different levels of the business (externally as well as internally)
Not being manipulated
Setting clear boundaries
Delivering tough messages while maintaining positive relationships
Communication Cycle – Thought- Spoken- Heard -Understood – Agreed to – Acted on – Implemented
Styles and Difficult People
Feedback and how to make it best support moving things forward
Internal boundaries – how people can become stressed or ‘difficult’ when they are crossed
Art of Saying No – Techniques on assertiveness issues
Having difficult conversations
CP4 – Course Challenge !
At this stage in the Programme the delegates will do something exciting and challenging – the content of the session will not even be revealed until that day. A specialist facilitator will be brought in to take the delegates through a communication exercise with a difference. The objective is to give the delegates the opportunity to experience something they may not have done before, communicate with a team and have fun at the same time. The external facilitators used are at the very top of their game and hand-picked because they have a unique approach to their work that blends with the ethos at Omni Academy. This combination of expertise always makes this part of the Programme memorable.
CP5 – Presenting
All the individual work during the day will be filmed. However, there will be no play-back (other than the first, one-minute presentation). Secure links to these clips will be available to delegates after the course.
What already works for you as a presenter?Exploring how presentation works
Developing a unique individual style
Understanding what happens in front of an audience
Practising a whole range of techniques
Hints and tips for effective presentation
Stretching your capacity to present
Presenting with style, flair and presence
Using support materials
Enlivening your presentation
Maintaining confidence and handling nerves
Coping better when feeling wrong-footed
CP6 – Networking and Pitching
To consolidate all the learning from the previous four days. Networking sessionMeeting & Greeting
Networking ‘Etiquette’
It’s You They ‘Buy’
30 Second Influencer
Spheres of Influence – obstacles to getting your message through the people you want
Joining and leaving groups – how physical boundaries work
Rapport Building skills
Some of the things to look at here are
Deliberately using ‘I’, ‘You’, or ‘We’ statements
Demonstrating knowledge of their business
Using their name
Using their jargon and abbreviations
Pitching – Identifying the key elements of successful pitching
Exploring the journey from plan-prepare-practice to pitch
Connecting our personal stories with our product or service offer
The Pitch Process
What do you need in a partner?
How pairs work in a pitching situation
Making your partner look good
Using both your strengths
Pitch Perfect – Delegates are invited to pitch to the group in a seriously light-hearted “Dragons’ Den” for a fun finish
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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