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2Month/20 Hours Price:65,000
Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Performance Tuning Workshop
Welcome to the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Performance Tuning Workshop, offered by Omni Academy. In today's competitive IT landscape, optimizing application performance is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and delivering exceptional user experiences. This workshop is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively tune Oracle WebLogic Server 12c environments.
Throughout this course, you will delve into advanced techniques and best practices for identifying performance bottlenecks, configuring server resources, and implementing optimizations tailored to specific application requirements. Whether you are a seasoned WebLogic administrator seeking to enhance your expertise or a developer aiming to improve application responsiveness, this workshop offers practical insights and hands-on exercises to sharpen your performance tuning abilities.
Learn how to:
Describe a typical performance methodology.Use a load-testing tool such as the Grinder.
Use command-line and graphical tools such as jps, jcmd, Java VisualVM, Mission Control, and Flight Recorder.
Generate and analyze performance data.
Tune operating system resources.
Tune Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Oracle WebLogic Server parameters.
Course Objectives
Configure a work manager for an application.Monitor and tune Java EE applications.
Use a standard tuning methodology.
Tune an operating system to support WebLogic.
Monitor and tune JVM performance.
Monitor and tune server performance.
Monitor and tune cluster performance.
Monitor and tune JDBC services.
Monitor and tune a persistent store.
Course Topics
Module1: Tuning Methodology
Introduction to Performance TuningBenchmarking
Load and Stress Testing
Identifying Bottlenecks
Performance Monitoring and Testing Tools
Module2: Tuning Operating Systems
Operating System ResourcesLinux Performance Monitoring
Module3: Monitor and Tune JVM Performance
JVM Performance: OverviewThe JVM and Garbage Collection
Command-Line JVM Tools
Module4: Monitor and Tune Server Performance
Domain Startup ModeOn-Demand Deployment
Native I/O Performance Pack
Overload Protection
Garbage Collection Thresholds
Connection Backlog
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Tuning
Logging Considerations
Module6: Monitor and Tune Cluster Performance
Clustering: ReviewLoad Balancing and Failover
HTTP Session Persistence: Review
Deployment Packaging
Peer-to-Peer Communication
Basic Cluster Architecture
Multitier Cluster Architecture
Load Balances
Module6: Monitoring and Tuning Data Sources and Persistent Stores
JDBC: ReviewJDBC and Application Design
Connection Pools
Logging Last Resource (LLR) Transactions
Batch Updates
Persistent Stores
Database Tuning
Module7:Configuring Work Managers
Monitoring a Server Thread PoolWebLogic Server Thread Tuning
Work Manager
Work Manager Configuration
Tuning Transactions
Module8:Monitoring and Tuning Java EE Applications
Tuning Web ApplicationsTuning Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
Tuning JPA
Tuning Web Services
Benefits to You
Taking this course will help you develop the skills to increase the performance and scalability of your organization’s applications and services with the Oracle WebLogic Server — the world’s #1 application server. You’ll learn how to simplify deployment and significantly improve time-to-market.
Tune the System
This training also teaches you how to tune the system at different levels to ensure that applications run smoothly without overtaxing available resources. In addition, walk away with an understanding of how performance-test data is generated, gathered, analyzed, and saved.
Identify Performance Differences
Finally, you’ll learn how to use a combination of tools to examine system resource, Java Virtual Machine, and Oracle Web-logic Server run-time metrics so that you can identify performance differences before and after configuration changes. You’ll also practice analyzing these differences to determine the settings that optimize application performance.
AdministratorJava EE Developers
Project Manager
SOA Architect
Support Engineer
System Integrator
Technical Consultant
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