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2Month/20 Hours Price:40,000
Technical Report Writing
Technical reports are a vital tool for engineers to communicate their ideas. This course introduces technical report writing and teaches the techniques you need to construct well-written technical reports.
Writing routine and strategic reports is a regular part of the HR practitioner’s craft and can play an important role in fostering more effective use of human resources in smaller businesses, just as in larger ones. Technical Report Writing in HR are powerful communication tools that make a significant contribution to the decision-making process at the highest level.
Course Key Learnings:
Write clearly and effectivelyEngage with readers and their needs, while also meeting the report’s objectives
Structure a report for maximum impact
Use drafting time more efficiently
Edit with an eye for errors and improvements that can be made
Present a report that appears attractive and professional.
How does technical writing compare with “creative writing” and journalism?
Principles of audience analysis
Components of a technical document
Write a Documentation Plan
Create an Index
Basic technical writing techniques and pitfalls to avoid
Basic technical editing techniques and things to avoid
Create a document template
How to think in terms of variables
Use tables properly in your documents
Select and annotate images
How to use flowcharts in your documents
How to find a job as a writer
Career Paths:
Technical Writer: Work for companies, research institutions, or government agencies, creating user manuals, white papers, and technical documentation.
Business Analyst: Use your report writing skills to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed business decisions.
Project Manager: Effective communication is crucial in project management; technical writing skills enhance your ability to document project progress and outcomes.
Consultant: Provide specialized reports and recommendations to clients.
Freelancer: Offer technical writing services independently.
Who should attend?
This course is for beginner technical writersEngineers and developers who would like to communicate more effectively with their co-workers and clients
Professionals /Career changers who would like to become technical writers.
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