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2Month/20 Hours Price:85,000
Smart Cities – Emerging Design and Technology
Cities and their delivery partners face complex choices about what type of future they are seeking to create in order to meet aspirations of their citizens. Different cities will have different visions, reflecting the needs and circumstances of their populations and economic activities. A strain on traditional service delivery from increasing populations poses a significant challenge to the sustainable growth of Smart Cities. Managing physical resources, such as energy or water as well as managing healthcare, traffic and city logistics, among others, is a major challenge that cities need to address to ensure sustainable growth in the future.
Discover the urban potential of disruptive technology
While smart city solutions typically focus on digital optimizations to existing urban infrastructure, this online program goes beyond optimizations: It explores ways in which disruptive technology can dramatically improve planning, design, and management of contemporary cities for a more resilient future.
Course Key Learning
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…
Explore and understand the concepts and current debates around smart, sustainable and future citiesIdentify and recognise the role and importance, data and urban analytics can play in addressing key urban challenges and key issues related to this
Apply and consider the connections between urban innovation, enterprise and future smart city business models
The ability to leverage technological innovation to improve design, planning, and policy of urban living
Strategies for more effective land use, distributed energy systems, and alternative mobility
The skills to recognize and identify the challenges in contemporary city design, with solutions for healthier and more sustainable city systems
What topics will you cover?
Module 1 Emerging Technologies Introduction – Design and technology for people-centric Smart CitiesModule 2 Use of Big Data / Data Sciences in Future Cities
Module 3 The mobility revolution and urban robotics
Module 4 The live-work transformation: machine learning, data sciences, and IoT technology
Module 5 A network of neighborhoods: AI, real-time simulation, and emerging systems
Module 6 Sustainable communities: local production and lower consumption
Module 7 Governance: token economies and algorithmic zoning for prosocial behaviors
Who is the course for?
This program is designed for professionals interested in the design and planning of cities, seeking ways to transform urban areas for a more sustainable and vibrant future. With a focus on technology and data, the course is particularly relevant to those who are focused on designing, investing in, and delivering smart city solutions.
International Students Fee: 1,000 USD | 3,750 AED | 3,750 SAR
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