Islamic Banking, Ijarah & Takaful

Islamic Banking, Ijarah & Takaful


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:45,000


Islamic Banking, Ijarah & Takaful

Islamic Banking, Ijarah & Takaful Course is a best and step-by-step course for professionals willing to build their career or move the next position in Islamic Banking career, program designed as per demand of Islamic Banking Jobs and main principle of Islamic economics and shariah board guidance to cover details of modern Islamic Banking in Pakistan, GCC and rest of the world.

The essential aims of the training programs are to provide the knowledge of employees working in the Islamic financial services industry and the Shari’ah-compliant applications and approaches to a wide range of operations and business situations.


Course Key Learnings:

Explain the role of Shari’ah in Islamic finance;
Explain the meanings of finance and financial system
Understand the philosophy and principles of Islamic finance.
Examine the distinguishing features of Islamic Finance
Explain the major prohibitions in Shari’ah- compliant commercial transactions and their impact on banking business;
Evaluate the implications of prohibition of Riba, Gharar and gambling on individuals, financial institutions and societies;
Understand the essentials of all basic modes of business.
Understand the difference b/w insurance and Takaful
Evaluate the role of risk-based and equity finance comparing with the risk free finance.
Apply Islamic principles of Islamic finance to the needs of present day businesses on the basis of modes and procedures in practice.
Analyse the modes of business and financing in use of Islamic banks to find out the Shariah related issues and suggest possible Shariah compliant solutions. 
Evaluate the operations and practices of Islamic financial institutions in the light of Shariah principles
Understand and explain Takaful as an alternative to Insurance
Evaluate the differences between conventional banking and Islamic banking
Develop a few products for fulfilling the needs of businesses using the basic categories of contracts discussed in Islamic law of contracts.

Topic1:Islamic Economic System

Factors of Production in Islam

The Objectives of the Distribution of Wealth in Islam

Topic 2: • Prohibition of Riba

Prohibition of Ribain Qur’an and Hadith

Riba and its Types

 Topic 3: Islamic Banking Framework

Comparison with Conventional banks

Shariah Governance Framework

  Topic 4:  Islamic Contract

Elements of Valid Sale

Sale & Khiyars

Topic 5:  Murabaha

What Is Murabaha


Topic 6:  Istisna


Working Capital Financing

 Topic: 7 Musharakah

 Diminishing Musharakah

Topic: 8 Financing

Project Financing


Topic9:  Treasury Operations of Islamic Bank

 Topic: 10 Islamic Investment Funds

International student Fees: USD250:

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Flexible Class Options

  • Week End Classes For Professionals  SAT | SUN
  • Corporate Group Trainings Available
  • Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training

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