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 32Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:25,000


Scratch Programming Game Development for Kids

Scratch is a visual programming language. Through easy to use drag and drop blocks, one can build games, animations and stories in Scratch. It is a great way to learn about programming and is generally used to teach kids basics of programming. But it can be used by anyone to develop games of increasing complexity. Scratch allows the use of event-driven programming with active objects called “sprites”.

In this course, we will go from the basics of scratch all the way to development of games in Scratch. Ever wanted to design a game but found programming too hard. Well Scratch makes game development easy to learn and fun to create. In order to take this course, you need Scratch installed on your machine and an interest in learning how to program and develop games/animations in general.

By the end of this course, we will be able to build animations and games in Scratch. Learn and master this visual programming language in just over 13 lectures. This course was designed to be understood by absolute beginners with no/little experience in programming.

Course Outline
Create smart and fun games
Create animations and cool visual effects
Code – one of the most important skills to learn!
Understand complex computer science concepts by intuitively applying them in games
Learn text-based programming languages 2x – 10x faster
You only need a PC or Mac

No Programming or Technical Knowledge is needed

Who this course is for:
This course is meant for parents/teachers who want to teach their kids basics of programming. This course can be taken by anyone interested in learning Scratch and developing games in Scratch.

No prior programming experience is needed for this course.

International student fee 150USD

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