Salesforce Certified Platform Developer-I Training Course

Salesforce Certified Platform Developer-I Training Course


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:185,000


Salesforce Certified Platform Developer-I Training Course

This course is intended for an individual who has experience developing and deploying basic business logic and user interfaces using the programmatic capabilities of the Salesforce platform, including practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives below.

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

Course Key Learning 

Describe the structure of the exam and the exam’s objectives.
List the most heavily weighted exam objectives.
Describe key features of the Salesforce programming languages, including: Apex, SOQL, SOSL, and Visualforce
Explain important Salesforce concepts, such as the testing framework, governor limits, and the save order of execution.
Explain the ALM of a Salesforce development project.

Course & Exam Topics 

Introduction to the Course and the Exam

Introduction to AW Computing
Introduction to the Platform Developer 1 Certification

Salesforce Fundamentals

Database Modeling and Management

Modeling Data
Managing Data

Logic and Process Automation (Part 1)

Working with Formulas and Rollup Summary Fields
Working with Basic Constructs in Apex
Working with SOQL
Working with SOSL
Working with DML
Working with Exceptions and Governor Limits

Logic and Process Automation (Part 2)

Working with Apex Classes
Working with Apex Triggers
Describing the Save Order of Execution

User Interface

Working with Visualforce Pages
Working with Visualforce Controllers
Working with the Lightning Component Framework


Describing the Testing Framework and Requirements
Creating Test Data and Tests
Executing a Test
Testing Considerations

International Student Fee : 750 USD

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