Python Programming (for Beginner) 🌎 International Student

Python Programming (for Beginner) 🌎 International Student


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 6Weeks                                                                    Price:25,000


Python Programming (for Beginner) ðŸŒŽ International Student

Python Programming 

This Python programming basics / fundamentals course helps you to learn how to write Python code, course carefully designed where students will learn how to build real life applications in Python without any past programming knowledge. The course is designed for all student levels (step-by-step complete python learning course).
Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for anyone want to use only Python in designing any Machine Learning (IoT) project. Machine learning, in layman terms, is to use the data to make a machine make intelligent decision. The Python Programming – course teaches Python programming, which is a powerful open-source language that is very popular in the fields of data analysis, finance and web development.  Python, The best programming language is the one you know. Python is a simple, easy to read and high level programming language. … Python is also an Object Oriented Language and also open source language but it has an added advantage that is it is also a scripting language and it is easy to write.

Course Key Learning 

Python Fundamentals 

Use of Python in Machine Learning (IoT, Big Data)
Installing Python,  Environment Variables
Executing Python from the Command Line
IDLE, Editing Python Files
Python Documentation, Getting Help
Dynamic Types, Python Reserved Words,  Naming Conventions

Basic Python Syntax
Basic Syntax Comments
String Values, String Methods
The format Method, String Operators
Numeric Data Types,  Conversion Functions
Simple Input Method
The print Function

Language Components
Indenting Requirements,  The if Statement
Operators: Relational Operators, Logical Operators
The while Loop,  break and continue,  The for Loop

Understanding Collections
Lists,  Tuples Sets Dictionaries
Sorting Dictionaries, Copying Collections

Python Functions
Defining Your Own Functions, Parameters
Function Documentation,  Keyword, and Optional
Parameters,  Passing Collections to a Function
Variable Number of Arguments Scope
Functions – “First Class Citizens”

Working with Modules 
Standard Modules – math
Standard Modules – time

Exceptions Handling
Dealing with all kinds of errors with python

Final Project 
Python Loan Calculator

Age Group 9 -17

♋ Python Virtual Environments Download

📖 Certified Associate in Python Programming Exam Practise Test

Who Should Attend the Python Training

Anyone with passion to learn python programming
Students interested to build career in IT/ Python programming / Robotics
Computer Programmers / Software Engineers to Python scripting skill

International Student Fee : 100 USD | 375 AED | 375 SAR

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