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  2Day/16 hours                                                           Price:35,000


Presentation with Impact

Come to Omni Academy for the presentation experience of a lifetime. This is not just another course: we go out of our way to take care of you, and give you an immersive and experiential two days that you will remember and refer back to for years to come. There will be excursions, experiences of the local area, and other surprise events – all supporting the work, of course – to make your time enjoyable and memorable, not to mention well-spent.

Looking at every aspect of presentation skills, Presentation with Impact provides you with the opportunity to challenge, stretch and strengthen your current skills. Building on that foundation, you will explore, play with and incorporate new tools and techniques into your work.

A presentation is a craft, and here you will look at ways to tailor their presentation skills with elegance and finesse, while keeping your own genuine style – because, as the adage says:  if you don’t believe the messenger you won’t believe the message…

Course Key Topics

CP1 – How Do You Work As A Presenter?

We’ll explore what makes presenters fly or flop, identify what happens to an individual when in ‘presentation mode’ and experience why and how this can be influenced to best serve us when we’re in the spotlight.

Day One is a muscle-stretching day, identifying strengths and warming up for the rest of the week. You’ll start to identify what you might be taking for granted and using those skills consciously and actively.

We cover:  how to control nerves, how to choose the most impactful way to come across, how to respect and use the dynamics of the room, and how to bring inspiration into the mix (for the audience and yourself)?

CP2 – Once Upon A Time…

We all connect to a good story – we can’t help it but respond. So much of storytelling, story structure, and how we encourage audiences to respond is instinctive.

Our aim here is to do it actively.

We look at why different structures affect people in different ways. We look at what influences people (because every presentation has a purpose – at the end of every presentation we want people to do something), and we look at the role that emotions play here.

Using everyday examples of storytelling and popular films and books, we see how structures and ingredients we’ve known since we were children can be used to help find our unique and compelling professional voice and create engaging messages in a business context.

CP3 – Creating Brilliance And Surprise

This day is dedicated to breaking patterns and bringing some original thinking into play. It looks at taking risks so that you can reap some rewards, both for yourself and your audiences.

How can you effectively, and brilliantly, make your messages land?

How to use Power Point, Tips for Quick and better presentation preparation, creating presentation, selecting theme, use of animation and basics of effective presentation.

Your job as a presenter is to keep your audience interested and sometimes, even, surprised. So we can’t say much more about it here!

CP4 – Support Tools And Interactivity

Here we’ll explore how to use PowerPoint and Key Note effectively – those support tools that often end up controlling us.

How much information can an audience take? How can you encourage them to take it on board in a way that they’ll remember and be able to communicate to others? How can you use and respond to questions to your best advantage?

You’ll also be focusing now on preparing for the challenge of Day 2…

CP5 – Your Presentation of a lifetime

On our final day we will spend the morning consolidating the learnings of the week. Then you will redesign, practice and prepare for the afternoon’s presentations, which will take place in front of a new audience who will feedback on the impact of the presentations

KEY Benefits
– Corporate: Nominate 4 Person or More Participants Get 20% Group discounts
– Post Training Free Refreshers
– Transformational course for Sales and Marketing Professionals

International Student Fees: USD 150$

Job Interview Preparation  (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)

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Flexible Class Options

Week End Classes For Professionals  SAT | SUN
Corporate Group Training Available
Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training

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