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2Month/20 Hours Price:85,000
Oracle Forms Developer Course – Developer Track
Oracle Developer Forms course that will enable students to develop, implement and deploy internet applications using Oracle’s Forms Application. Working in a rapid development environment, students learn how to customize forms through user input items and how to control data access by creating event-related triggers using PL/SQL.
Course Content:
Creating Oracle Forms Developer Applications Using Wizards
List the benefits of using Forms Developer wizards
List wizard features
Identify wizard types
Create basic form modules using wizards
Working with the Enhanced User Interface
Use enhancements in the Property Palette
Create triggers using Smart Triggers
Use enhancements in the Toolbar Ribbon
Control item appearance by using Picker Dialogs
Use enhancements in the PL/SQL editing environment
Use the Forms Application Programmatic Interface (API) functionality
Ensuring Consistency Across Applications
Apply subclassing as a replacement for referencing
Identify improvements of subclassing over referencing
Use the object library
Describe the uses of property classes, object groups, and object libraries
Create and apply SmartClasses
Use template forms
Modify object appearance with partial visual attributes
Use global libraries and record groups
Representing Data Within Your Application
Identify the effects of Array DML
Use the features for reducing database roundtrips and memory usage
Perform database operations asynchronously
Use new data block properties
Use the data sources available for queries and DML
Determine the appropriate data sources for data blocks
Create a data block based on a nested SELECT statement
Understanding Oracle8 Object Features
Describe Oracle8 scalar datatypes
Describe object types and objects
Describe object tables, object columns and object views
Describe the INSTEAD- OF Triggers
Describe object REFs
Working with Oracle8 Object Features in Oracle Forms Developer
Use the Oracle8 support in Oracle Forms Developer
Create data blocks that use Oracle8 objects
Coordinate data blocks using REFs
Use the Oracle8 Large Object (LOB) support in Oracle Forms Developer
Use PL/SQL8 support in Oracle Forms Developer
Enhancing Items
Use the image item enhancements
Create items based on Calculated Fields
Recognize boilerplate objects in the Object Navigator
Create item labels using item prompt properties
Implement Tooltips for items
Implement context-sensitive pop-up menus
Include sound in your application
Set item colors and fonts directly
Create a Hierarchical Tree Item
Host a JavaBean in an application
Create an LOV using the LOV Wizard
Create an LOV dynamically
Enhancing Interactivity
Create and edit in-place stacked canvases
Create tab-style layouts
Create integrated toolbar buttons for menu commands
Display a platform-specific file dialog
Including Charts and Reports
Include charts using the Chart Wizard
Implement Report objects
List the benefits of using Forms Developer wizards
List wizard features
Identify wizard types
Create basic form modules using wizards
Working with the Enhanced User Interface
Use enhancements in the Property Palette
Create triggers using Smart Triggers
Use enhancements in the Toolbar Ribbon
Control item appearance by using Picker Dialogs
Use enhancements in the PL/SQL editing environment
Use the Forms Application Programmatic Interface (API) functionality
Ensuring Consistency Across Applications
Apply subclassing as a replacement for referencing
Identify improvements of subclassing over referencing
Use the object library
Describe the uses of property classes, object groups, and object libraries
Create and apply SmartClasses
Use template forms
Modify object appearance with partial visual attributes
Use global libraries and record groups
Representing Data Within Your Application
Identify the effects of Array DML
Use the features for reducing database roundtrips and memory usage
Perform database operations asynchronously
Use new data block properties
Use the data sources available for queries and DML
Determine the appropriate data sources for data blocks
Create a data block based on a nested SELECT statement
Understanding Oracle8 Object Features
Describe Oracle8 scalar datatypes
Describe object types and objects
Describe object tables, object columns and object views
Describe the INSTEAD- OF Triggers
Describe object REFs
Working with Oracle8 Object Features in Oracle Forms Developer
Use the Oracle8 support in Oracle Forms Developer
Create data blocks that use Oracle8 objects
Coordinate data blocks using REFs
Use the Oracle8 Large Object (LOB) support in Oracle Forms Developer
Use PL/SQL8 support in Oracle Forms Developer
Enhancing Items
Use the image item enhancements
Create items based on Calculated Fields
Recognize boilerplate objects in the Object Navigator
Create item labels using item prompt properties
Implement Tooltips for items
Implement context-sensitive pop-up menus
Include sound in your application
Set item colors and fonts directly
Create a Hierarchical Tree Item
Host a JavaBean in an application
Create an LOV using the LOV Wizard
Create an LOV dynamically
Enhancing Interactivity
Create and edit in-place stacked canvases
Create tab-style layouts
Create integrated toolbar buttons for menu commands
Display a platform-specific file dialog
Including Charts and Reports
Include charts using the Chart Wizard
Implement Report objects
International Student Fee : 300 USD | 395 CAD | 1,125 AED | 1,125 SAR
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