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Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional Course (1Z0-149)
Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional Course 1Z0-149 training, Oracle certified expert instructors will help you explore the advanced features of PL/SQL to design and tune PL/SQL. You’ll learn how it interfaces with the database and other applications in the most efficient manner.
Course Key Topics
Declaring PL/SQL Variables
Introduction of variablesTypes of variables in PL/SQL
Declaring PL/SQL Variables
Recognize valid and invalid identifiers
List the uses of variables, declare and initialize variables, use bind variablesList and describe various data types using the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes
Writing Executable Statements
Identify lexical units in a PL/SQL block
Use built-in SQL functions in PL/SQL and sequences in PL/SQL expressionsDescribe when implicit conversions take place and when explicit conversions have to be dealt with Write nested blocks and qualify variables with labels
Write readable code with appropriate indentation
Writing SQL in PL/SQL
Create PL/SQL executable blocks using DML and transaction control statements
Make use of the INTO clause to hold the values returned by a SQL statementWriting Control Structures
Identify the uses and types of control structures (IF, CASE statements and expressions)
Construct and identify loop statementsUse EXIT and CONTINUE statements inside loops
Working with Composite Data Types
Create user-defined PL/SQL records
Create a record with the %ROWTYPE attribute
Create an INDEX BY table and INDEX BY table of records
Describe the differences among records, collections, and collections of records
Initialize collections and records
Using Explicit Cursors
Distinguish between implicit and explicit cursors and use SQL cursor attributes
Declare and control explicit cursors, use simple loops and cursor FOR loops to fetch dataDeclare and use cursors with parameters
Lock rows with the FOR UPDATE clause and reference the current row with the WHERE CURRENT OF clause
Handling Exceptions
Define PL/SQL exceptions
Recognize unhandled exceptionsHandle different types of exceptions (internally defined exceptions, predefined exceptions and user-defined exceptions)
Propagate exceptions
Using PL/SQL Subprograms
Differentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms
Create a simple procedure and invoke it from an anonymous blockIdentify benefits of subprograms
Creating Procedures and Using Parameters
Create a procedure with parameterrs
Use named notationWork with procedures (create, invoke and remove procedures)
Handle exceptions in procedures and display a procedure’s information
Creating Functions
Differentiate between a procedure and a function
Describe the uses of functionsWork with functions (create, invoke and remove functions)
Creating Packages
Identify the benefits and the components of packages
Work with packages (create package specification and body, invoke package subprograms, remove a package and display package information)Overload package subprograms and use forward declarations
Working with Packages
Use package types and variables
Use packaged constants and functions in SQLUse ACCESSIBLE BY to restrict access to package subprograms
Using Dynamic SQL
Describe the execution flow of SQL statements
Use Native Dynamic SQL (NDS)Bind PL/SQL types in SQL statements
Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code
Create standard constants and exceptions
Write and call local subprogramsControl the run-time privileges of a subprogram
Perform autonomous transactions
Use bulk binding and the RETURNING clause with DML
Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers
Create triggers on DDL statements
Create triggers on system eventsDescribe different types of triggers and their uses
Using the PL/SQL Compiler
Describe the PL/SQL compiler and features
Use the PL/SQL compiler initialization parametersUse the PL/SQL compile time warnings
Managing PL/SQL Code
Describe and use conditional compilation
Code-based access control: granting roles to program unitsWhitelist code access with the ACCESSIBLE BY clause
Mark code as deprecated
Managing Dependencies
Track and manage procedural dependencies
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