Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) Implementation (Functional Track)

Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) Implementation (Functional Track)


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 2Months/20 Hours                                                               Price:25,000


Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) Implementation (Functional Track)

Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) training course is a complete billing and customer care application for utilities serving residential, commercial and industrial customers. This course is designed to cater for utilities that may have a few thousand customers to those that have many millions of customers. Oracle Utilities CC&B manages each and every aspect of the customer lifecycle – from service connection, meter reading, rating, billing, payments processing, and collections to field work.

Oracle Customer Care & Billing Solution

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) is a complete billing and customer care application for utilities serving residential, commercial and industrial customers. It is designed to cater for utilities that may have a few thousand customers to those that have many millions of customers.
Oracle Utilities CC&B handles every aspect of the customer lifecycle – from service connection, meter reading, rating, billing, payments processing, collections to field work. It incorporates customer relationship features such as comprehensive contact center capability, order entry, conservation program management, contract management and affinity programs. It also supports the management of new products and services that a utility may wish to market and sell to all or a defined segment of their customer base.

What you will learn

On completion of this boot camp, participants will have foundational understanding of CCB’s key functional areas, structure and operation so that you can make improved decisions during your implementation.

CC&B Course Summary 
This class will teach the participants about the basic elements of Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (CCB), including:

Navigating through Customer Care and Billing
Using Control Central’s functionality
Adding and maintain Persons and Accounts
Adding Premise and Service Points using the Premise Replicator
Maintaining Premises and Service Points using their pages
Adding and maintain meters
Adding and maintain meter reads
Describing how Field Activities are created
Completing a Field Activity through FA Upload Staging
Describing when Customer Care and Billing creates Financial Transactions
Adding Bills, Payments, and Adjustments

Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) Course Key Topics (Functional Track)
Customer Care and Billing Overview
Basic System Architecture
Search and Navigation
Portals and Zones
Maintaining Customer Information
Person and Account
Premise and Service Point
Service Agreement
Customer Contacts
Meters and Meter Reads
Meter Reads
Field Activities
Financial Transactions
Financial Transactions
Bills and Bill Segments
Payment Events
Adjustments business scenarios
How make adjustments

Course Key Benefits 
Cut Costs While Improving Customer Service
Supporting Multi-Channel Communications
Enabling Flexible Business Processes
Optimize Cash Flow
Automate Field Service Tasks
Meets Emerging Opportunities

CC&B Audience
Project Manager
Configuration Consultant
Functional Implementer
Team Leader
Configuration Implementer
Implementation Consultant

International Student Fee : 2,500 USD

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