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2 Months/20 Hour Price:85,000
Laravel with React JS Web Application Development
Welcome to the Laravel with React JS Web Application Development course! This course is designed to equip you with the skills needed to build powerful, modern web applications by combining the robust backend capabilities of Laravel with the dynamic frontend experience of React JS.
Course Key leranings:
Develop RESTful APIs with Laravel for backend functionality.
Create dynamic, responsive user interfaces with React JS.
Integrate Laravel and React to build full-stack web applications.
Deploy and maintain your applications effectively.
Course Content:
Module 1: Introduction to Laravel and React JS
Setting up a Laravel development environment
Laravel project structure
Lesson 2: Overview of React JSHistory and features of React
Setting up a React development environment
React project structure
Module 2: Setting Up Development Environments
Lesson 1: Installing and Configuring Laravel
Installing Laravel via Composer
Configuring environment settings (.env file)
Running a Laravel application
Installing Laravel via Composer
Configuring environment settings (.env file)
Running a Laravel application
Understanding package.json and npm/yarn
Running a React application
Module 3: Building RESTful APIs with Laravel
Lesson 1: Routing and ControllersDefining routes in web.php and api.php
Creating and using controllers
RESTful conventions in Laravel
Lesson 2: Database IntegrationSetting up and configuring the database
Using Laravel migrations for database schema
Eloquent ORM basics
Lesson 3: CRUD OperationsCreating models and migrations
Implementing Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations
Data validation and error handling
Lesson 4: API Resources and CollectionsCreating API resources
Transforming data with resources
Handling resource collections
Module 4: React Frontend Development
Lesson 1: React Components and JSXUnderstanding JSX syntax
Creating functional and class components
Component lifecycle methods
Lesson 2: State and PropsManaging state with useState
Passing data through props
Lifting state up
Lesson 3: Hooks and Lifecycle MethodsUsing useEffect for side effects
Other essential hooks (useContext, useReducer)
Class component lifecycle methods
Module 5: Integrating React with Laravel
Lesson 1: Setting Up React in LaravelInstalling Laravel Mix
Integrating React with Laravel using Mix
Compiling assets with Mix
Lesson 2: Building a Single Page Application (SPA)Setting up React Router for routing
Creating a SPA architecture
Handling navigation and URL parameters
Lesson 3: Consuming Laravel APIsMaking HTTP requests with Axios or Fetch API
Managing API responses and errors
Displaying data in React components
Module 6: Advanced Laravel Concepts
Lesson 1: Middleware and AuthenticationCreating and using middleware
Implementing authentication with Laravel Passport or Sanctum
Protecting routes and resources
Lesson 2: Authorization and PoliciesDefining authorization policies
Using gates and policies for access control
Role-based access control
Lesson 3: Event Handling and NotificationsCreating events and listeners
Sending notifications via email, SMS, etc.
Broadcasting events with Laravel Echo
Module 7: Advanced React Concepts
Lesson 1: State Management with Redux or Context APISetting up Redux in a React project
Using Redux for global state management
Context API as an alternative to Redux
Lesson 2: Form Handling and ValidationBuilding forms with controlled components
Validating form data with Formik or Yup
Handling form submissions
Lesson 3: Performance OptimizationCode splitting and lazy loading with React
Memoization with React.memo and useMemo
Optimizing rendering performance
Module 8: Full-Stack Application Development
Lesson 1: Project PlanningPlanning the architecture of a full-stack application
Defining features and requirements
Setting up the project structure
Lesson 2: Development and IntegrationImplementing backend features in Laravel
Building the frontend with React
Integrating backend and frontend components
Lesson 3: Testing and DebuggingWriting unit tests for Laravel using PHPUnit
Testing React components with Jest and React Testing Library
Debugging common issues in full-stack applications
Basic Programming Knowledge: Understanding of variables, loops, conditionals, and functions.
Web Development Skills: Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Basic PHP Knowledge: Basic understanding of PHP syntax and functions.
International Student Fee: 200 USD
Job Interview Preparation (Soft Skills Questions & Answers)
Tough Open-Ended Job Interview Questions
What to Wear for Best Job Interview Attire
Job Interview Question- What are You Passionate About?
How to Prepare for a Job Promotion Interview
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Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
Corporate Group Trainings Available
Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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