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2Month/20 Hours Price:120,000
Java EE 6: Develop Business Components with JMS & EJBs
Learn To:
Implement business-tier functionality using EJB technology.Assemble and deploy EJB technology business-tier components on an application server.
Integrate an EJB technology-based application using the Java Messaging Service API.
Create and implement timer-based services.
Integrate transactions and security into an enterprise application.
Describe best practices and other advanced issues in business component development with EJB technology.
Explore the EJB technology coding experience of session beans and message driven-beans in a JMS application.
Examine EJB design, best practices, transaction management, messaging fundamentals and security.
Module1: Introducing the Course
Discussing course format and LVCReviewing course objectives
Getting acquainted with other students
Reviewing the Java SE and Java EE Curriculum
Discussing 4 day course schedule
Module2: Introducing Java EE
Comparison of Java EE application development with traditional enterprise application developmentJava EE application architecture
Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition(Java EE)
EJB component types
Java EE container services
Module3 :Implementing Session Beans
Stateful Session beansStateless Session beans
Packaging and deployment
Tasks of creating a Session bean
Singleton Session beans
Session Bean clients
Choosing a Session bean type
Types of session beans
Module4: Accessing Session Beans
JNDI APIUsing Naming Services
Developing Session Bean Clients
Creating a Session Facade
Module5: Advanced Session Bean Concepts
EJB ContainersAsynchronous Communication
EJB Components
Advanced Session Bean Configuration
Session Bean Life Cycle
Lifecycle Event Handlers
Session Bean Identity
Module 6 :Developing Singleton Session Bean
Singleton Session BeanSingleton Concurrency
Singleton Session Bean Life Cycle
Module7 :Using Context and Dependency Injections
Introduction to CDI Named Beans
Module8: Using Java Persistence API
QueriesComponents of JPA architecture
What is JPA?
Entity operations
Module 9:Developing Java EE Applications Using
Messaging ClientsMessage Producer
Creating a Synchronous Queue Consumer
Creating a Queue
Messaging Destinations
Messaging Concepts
Queue Message Browser
Module10 :Developing Message-Driven Beans
Introducing Message-Driven BeansLife Cycle Event Handlers
Creating JMS Message-Driven Beans
Life Cycle of a Message-Driven Bean
Configuring the Message-Driven Bean
Module 11Using Timer Services
Processing a timer callback notificationManaging timer objects
Creating a timer callback notification
Describing timer services
Module12: Implementing Interceptor Classes and Methods
Introducing InterceptorsInterceptor class
Interceptor methods
Types of Interceptors
Lifecycle call back interceptors
Module13: Implementing Transactions
Transaction policyContainer managed transactions
Transaction demarcation task,
Transaction in messaging
Bean managed transactions
Module14 :Implementing Security
AuthenticationDeclarative Security
Programmatic Security
Java EE Platform Security Model
Security Interventions
Module15 :Using EJB Technology Best Practices
Java EE Application DesignException Handling
Appendix A – Introducing Transactions
Handling Distributed TransactionsTypes of Transactions
Examining Transactions
Transaction-Related Concurrency Issues
Java Transaction API (JTA)
Module 16: Introducing UML
Types UML DiagramsElements of UML diagrams
UML Basics
Target Audience:
Java developersSoftware engineers
IT professionals interested in enterprise application development
Individuals preparing for Java EE certification
Basic knowledge of Java programmingUnderstanding of web technologies and application servers
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