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4Month/40 Hours Price:180,000
Introduction to Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto Currencies Diploma Course
‘Bitcoin’ – Most of us sit in one of two camps when it comes to Bitcoin. We’ve either never heard of it or we know a little but don’t truly understand its importance. This course will guide you step-by-step through what Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are, how they work, how to use them, and how and why you should invest in them.
What is Crypto currency and how is it an innovative and effective method of currency? This course was designed for individuals and organizations who want to learn how to navigate investment in crypto currencies. You’ll learn how to define a currency, analyze the foundations of digital signatures and blockchain technology in crypto currency, and accurately assess the risks of crypto currency in a modern investment portfolio. By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of the realities of Crypto currency, the intricacies of Blockchain technology, and an effective strategy for incorporating Crypto currency into your investment plans. No prerequisites are required, although “Fintech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations” from Wharton’s Fintech Specialization is recommended.
Course Key Learnings
Construct templates to analyze crypto currency projects based on their fundamental properties.
Compare and contrast the many types of crypto currency wallets available in the space.
Learn about the many components of the DeFi space including DeFi applications, DAOs, exchanges, and gaming.
How to compare and use lending protocols in the DeFi space.
How to analyze blockchain transactions on a block explorer.
Know how to send and receive crypto currency off exchanges and onto your private wallet safely.
Learn how to set up a crypto currency exchange account and wallet.
Learn how to manage crypto and NFT assets on a cryptocurrency wallet.
Debate and discuss the merits and inherent value of non-fungible tokens.
Learn how to sort through social media to assess the impact of trends and news updates on the crypto currency space.
Identify the stages of a market cycle to make the most out of a crypto cycle.
Learn how to compare the performance of various crypto currencies based on a research based statistics.
Learn how to stake and lend your coins to receive passive income.
Course Outline
Fundamentals of Blockchain
Course Introduction
What Is Blockchain?Features of Blockchain
Industries Using Blockchain
Introduction to Blockchain
Challenges Faced by Modern
What is Blockchain?
Building Blocks of Blockchain
Types of Blockchain
Knowledge check
Blockchain Pillars
Introduction to Blockchain
Assisted Practice: Generate
Public and Private Keys
Assisted Practice: Send a
Message Using Symmetric
Assisted Practice: Sign a
Message Using Asymmetric
Assisted Practice: Generate
Hash Using Hash function
Assisted Practice: Generate
Enterprise Blockchain
Hyperledger Sawtooth
Assisted Practise: Setup
Sawtooth Network and Create
Basic Transactions
Hyperledger Iroha
Assisted Practise: Setup Iroha
Network and Create Basic
Hyperledger Indy
Hyperledger Burrows
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric Transaction
Fabric Network
Assisted Practise: Setup
Hyperledger Fabric Prerequisite
Assisted Practise: Setup
Blockchain Applications And Architecture
Ethereum Smart Contracts
Remix IDE
Assisted Practice: Explore the
Browser-based Remix IDE
Assisted Practice: Connect
Remix IDE to Ganache and Ropsten Test Networks
Smart Contract Lifecycle
Solidity State and Variable
Solidity Functions
Assisted Practice: Develop
a Property Transfer Smart Contract
Unassisted Practice: Develop a
Library Smart Contract
Assisted Practice: Create a
Custom Token and Deploy it on Ropsten Network
Solidity Compilation and Deployment
Assisted Practice: Generate the
ABI and Bytecode of a Smart Contract
Assisted Practice: Deploy a
Smart Contract to Ganache Network
Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode
Chaincode Java API
Chaincode Development
Assisted Practice: Set up
Development Prerequisites
Assisted Practice: Create
New Gradle Project for Car Showroom
Assisted Practice: Create
Chaincode for Car Showroom
Chaincode Package, Install, Approve
Assisted Practice: Package the Chaincode
Assisted Practice: Install the Chancode
Assisted Practice: Approve the Chancode
Hyperledger Fabric SDK
Fabric SDK Introduction
Assisted Practice: Create Maven Project
Assisted Practice: Enroll AdminUser
Assisted Practice: Register and Enroll Client User
Introduction to Multichain
Multichain Installation
Assisted Practice: Set up
Multichain in the Local Machine
Create a Multichain Instance
Assisted Practice: Create
Multichain Instance with Two
Multichain Assets
Assisted Practice: Create a
Multichain Asset and Transfer It
Multichain Streams
Assisted Practice: Create a
Multichain Stream to Publish Data
Multichain Consensus
IOTA and Blockchain Use Cases
Traditional Blockchain
Introduction to IOTA
Healthcare Use Cases
Government Use Cases
Finance Use Cases
Supply Chain Use Cases
Knowledge Check
Creating a Decentralized
Hospital Smart Contract
Introduction to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies
Cryptographic Hash Functions1
Hash Pointers and Data Structures
Digital Signatures
Public Keys as Identities
A Simple Cryptocurrency
How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization
Distributed Consensus
Consensus without Identity: the Block Chain
Incentives and Proof of Work
Mechanics of Bitcoin
Bitcoin Transactions
Bitcoin Scripts
Applications of Bitcoin Scripts
Bitcoin Blocks
The Bitcoin Network
Limitations & Improvements
How to Store and Use Bitcoins
How to Store and Use Bitcoins
Hot and Cold Storage
Splitting and Sharing Keys
Online Wallets and Exchanges
Payment Services
Transaction Fees
Currency Exchange Markets
No experience or prior knowledge required! Complete beginners to cryptocurrency, finance, and technology are welcome. Feel free to take our FREE intro to cryptocurrency course before taking this one.
Who this course is for:
This course is designed for beginners and people with a basic understanding of cryptocurrency to expand their knowledge regarding the various aspects of the space.
International Student Fee: 1000 USD
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