ERPNext – Healthcare Management Course

ERPNext – Healthcare Management Course


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 1 Month/10 Hour                                                   Price:85,000


ERPNext – Healthcare Management Course

This course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of using ERPNext for healthcare management. The course will cover setting up a healthcare system, managing patients and healthcare staff, scheduling, billing, inventory, and more. By the end of the course, students will understand how to leverage ERPNext for efficient healthcare operations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants should be able to:

Set up a healthcare facility in ERPNext, including departments, roles, and permissions.
Manage patient information, appointments, consultations, and billing.
Handle inventory and pharmacy management.
Use advanced features such as laboratory tests and patient referrals.
Generate and analyze healthcare reports.
Implement a complete healthcare workflow in ERPNext through a final project.

Course Content:

Module 1: Introduction to ERPNext

1.1 What is ERPNext?
Overview of ERPNext features and architecture
Key concepts in ERP systems
1.2 Navigating ERPNext
User interface basics
Customizing the dashboard
User roles and permissions

Module 2: Setting Up Healthcare in ERPNext

2.1 Creating a Healthcare Company
Company information
Healthcare settings and defaults
2.2 Managing Departments and Roles
Setting up healthcare departments
Defining user roles and permissions for healthcare staff

Module 3: Managing Patients and Appointments

3.1 Patient Information
Adding new patients
Managing patient demographics and health records
3.2 Appointments and Scheduling
Creating and managing appointments
Configuring appointment rules and notifications
3.3 Managing Consultations and Encounters
Recording patient encounters
Linking consultations to patient records

Module 4: Healthcare Billing and Invoicing

4.1 Billing and Insurance
Generating invoices for consultations and treatments
Managing insurance claims and reimbursements
4.2 Payment Processing
Accepting payments
Tracking outstanding invoices and collections

Module 5: Inventory and Pharmacy Management

5.1 Managing Medical Supplies
Inventory setup and configuration
Managing inventory levels and reordering
5.2 Pharmacy Management
Adding and managing medications
Tracking prescriptions and medication usage

Module 6: Advanced Healthcare Features

6.1 Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Configuring lab tests and diagnostic services
Managing test results and linking to patient records
6.2 Referrals and External Services
Handling patient referrals to other departments or clinics
Managing external healthcare services

Module 7: Analytics and Reporting

7.1 Healthcare Reports
Generating reports for patient data, billing, and inventory
Customizing healthcare reports
7.2 Data Analysis and Insights
Analyzing healthcare trends
Using ERPNext for data-driven decision-making

Basic Computer Literacy

International Student Fees: USD300$

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