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 Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:120,000


Developing Applications for the Java EE 6 Platform

This Java EE 6 Platform training teaches you to build and deploy enterprise applications that comply with Java(TM) Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 technology standards. Explore other enterprise components as well.

Learn To:

Describe the application model for the Java EE platform and the context for the model.
Understand enterprise components and work with (JSP(TM)) technology.
Create web services using SOAP and RESTful techniques.
Assemble and deploy an application into an application server (Java EE platform runtime environment).
Develop expertise using Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) (EJB(TM)) technology.
Become familiar wtih the Java Persistence API.
Create user interfaces using servlets, JSP technology (JSP pages) and JavaServer Faces (JSF).
Develop simple web services for the Java EE platform.
Understand RESTful and SOAP web services and the Java technology clients who use them.

Course Objectives

Select the correct Java EE Profile for a given application
Develop and run an EJB technology application
Develop basic Java Persistence API entity classes to enable database access
Develop a web-based user interface using Servlets, JSPs, and JSF

Course Topics

Survey of Java EE Technologies

-Certifications Paths

-Describe the needs of enterprise applications

-Describe the different Java platforms and versions

-Introducing Applications Servers

-Enterprise Modules

-Introduce the Java EE APIs and services

Enterprise Application Architecture

-Design Patterns

-Model View Controller

-Synchronous and Asynchronous communication

-Network Topologies and Clustering

-Layering (client,presentation,service,integration,persistence)

Web Technology Overview

-Describe the role of web components in a Java EE application

-Define the HTTP request-response model

-Brief introduction to technologies not covered in detail

-Compare Java servlets, JSP, and JSF

Developing Servlets

-Use the request and response APIs

-Describe the servlet API

-Servlet configuration through annotations and deployment descriptors

-Servlets as controllers

Developing With JavaServer Pages Technology

-Author JSP pages

-Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism

-Brief introduction to the JSTL and EL

-Process data received from servlets in a JSP page

JavaServer Faces

-The JSF model explained

-Configuring JSF page navigation

-JSF Conversion, Validation, and Error Handling

-JSF Managed beans

-Using the JSF tag libraries

-Adding JSF support to web applications

EJB Overview

-Java Persistence API as a replacement for Entity EJBs

-EJB types:Message Driven beans

-Describe the role of EJBs in a Java EE application

-EJB types: Session Beans

-EJB lite

Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans

-Describe the operational characteristics of a singleton session bean\

-Describe the operational characteristics of a stateful session bean

-Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless session bean

-Package and deploy session beans

-Create session beans

-Create session bean clients

-Compare stateless and stateful behavior

The Java Persistence API

-Object Relational Mapping

-The life cycle and operational characteristics of Entity components

-The role of the Java Persistence API in a Java EE application

-Entity class creation

-Using the EntityManager API

-Persistent Units and Packaging

Implementing a Transaction Policy

-Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping

-Implement a container-managed transaction policy

-Use the Java Transaction API (JTA) to scope transactions programmatically

-Describe transaction semantics

-Using transactions with the web profile

-Support pessimistic locking of entity components

-Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components

Developing Asynchronous Java EE Applications and Messaging

-List the capabilities and limitations of Java EE components as messaging producers and consumers

-The need for asynchronous execution

-JMS administration

-JMS technology introduction

-JMS and transactions

Developing Message-Driven Beans

-Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans

-Create a JMS message-driven bean

Web Service Model

-List the specifications used to make web services platform independent

-Describe the role of web services

-Describe the Java APIs used for XML processing and web services

-Web service models

Implementing Java EE Web Services with JAX-WS and JAX-RS

-Describe endpoints supported by the Java EE 6 platform

-Developing Web Services with Java

-Creating Web Service Clients with Java

Implementing a Security Policy

-Configure authentication in the web tier

-Define user roles and responsibilities

-Exploit container-managed security

-Create a role-based security policy

-Use the security API

 International Student Fees: USD700$

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