Cryptography and Encryption Training

Cryptography and Encryption Training


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  2 Months/20 Hour                                                   Price:165,000


Cryptography and Encryption Training

This training course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to cryptography and encryption. It is designed for individuals who wish to understand the fundamental principles, algorithms, and applications of cryptographic techniques. The course covers theoretical foundations as well as practical implementation aspects.

Key Learnings

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Understand the basic concepts and goals of cryptography, including confidentiality, integrity, and authentication.

Distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods and their use cases.

Implement common cryptographic algorithms and protocols.

Understand key management practices and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Recognize common cryptographic attacks and how to mitigate them.

Apply cryptographic principles to secure communications and data storage.

Course Outline

Module1-Introduction to Cryptography
  • History and Evolution
  • Basic Terminology
  • Objectives of Cryptography

Module-2Mathematical Foundations
  1. Number Theory
  2. Prime Numbers
  3. Modular Arithmetic
  4. Finite Fields

Module3 Symmetric Key Cryptography
  1. Block Ciphers (e.g., AES, DES)
  2. Stream Ciphers (e.g., RC4)
  3. Modes of Operation (e.g., ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR)
  4. Key Distribution and Management

Mdodule4 Asymmetric Key Cryptography
  1. RSA Algorithm
  2. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  3. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
  4. Digital Signatures

Module5 Hash Functions and Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
  1. Properties of Hash Functions
  2. Common Hash Algorithms (e.g., SHA-2, SHA-3, MD5)
  3. HMAC

Module-6 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  1. Certificates and Certificate Authorities (CAs)
  2. Certificate Lifecycle Management
  3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) / Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Module7 Cryptographic Protocols
  1. Secure Communication Protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS, IPSec)
  2. Email Security (e.g., PGP, S/MIME)
  3. Authentication Protocols (e.g., Kerberos, OAuth)

Module8: Cryptographic Attacks and Defenses
  1. Common Attacks (e.g., Brute Force, Man-in-the-Middle, Side-Channel)
  2. Defense Mechanisms
  3. Best Practices for Secure Cryptographic Implementation

Module9- Applications of Cryptography
  1. Secure Storage Solutions
  2. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
  3. Emerging Trends in Cryptography

To make the most of this training, participants should have:
Basic understanding of computer science principles.
Familiarity with programming languages (e.g., Python, C++).
Knowledge of network security fundamentals is helpful but not required.

International Student Fee: 600$

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