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1Month/10Hours Price:85,000
COBIT 2019 Foundation Course
COBIT 2019 is the latest iteration of the industry-leading framework for governance and management of enterprise IT, and provides best practices for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology.
This course provides the knowledge needed to pass the COBIT 2019 Foundation, including a comprehensive understanding of the COBIT 2019 framework, the six key governance principles, and the components of a comprehensive governance system. You will learn about COBIT 2019’s forty governance and management objectives, how performance is managed, and how to design and implement a tailored governance system for your enterprise.
COBIT 2019 Foundation Learning Summary
Delegates will learn the context, benefits and key reasons COBIT is used as an information and technology governance framework. In detail, delegates will be able to:
Recognize the context, benefits and key reasons COBIT is used as an information and technology governance framework
Recognize the descriptions and purposes of the COBIT product architecture
Recall the alignment of COBIT with other applicable frameworks, standards and bodies of knowledge
Understand and describe the governance “system” and governance “framework” principles
Describe the components of a governance system
Understand the overall structure and contents of the Goals Cascade
Recall the 40 Governance and Management Objectives and their purpose statements
Understand the relationship between Governance and Management Objectives and Governance Components
Differentiate COBIT based performance management using maturity and capability perspectives
Discover how to design a tailored governance system using COBIT
Explain the key points of the COBIT business case
Understand and recall the phases of the COBIT implementation approach
Describe the relationships between the COBIT Design and Implementation Guides
Course Outline
Module 1: Key Concepts and Terminology of COBIT 2019
Key stakeholders of COBIT 2019
Business benefits provided by COBIT 2019
Module 2: Analyzing the Six Governance Principles
Provide stakeholder value
Benefits realizationRisk and resource optimization
Supporting the creation of business value through IT
Transforming stakeholder needs into an enterprise’s actionable strategy
Clarifying the purpose of the goals cascade
Translating high-level enterprise goals into specific IT-related goals
Holistic approach
Evaluating the key components of a governance system
Dynamic governance system
Creating a dynamic governance system
Governance distinct from management
Distinguishing between governance and management in an enterprise
Relationships between governance and management
Tailored to enterprise needs
Using design factors to produce an enterprise-specific governance system
Using COBIT variants to tailor for a specific
Module 3: Analyzing the Three Governance Framework Principles
Based on conceptual model
Identifying key components
Relationships between key components
Maximizing consistency and allowing automation
Open and flexible
Updating content
Addressing new issues
Maintaining integrity and consistency
Module 4: The Governance System and Components
COBIT 2019 Core Model
The forty governance and management objectives
The five-domain structure
Principles, policies, procedures
Meeting good practice requirements for the scope, compliance, exceptions and monitoring
Differentiating policies, principles and procedures
Reviewing the key characteristics of the process goal categories
Organizational structures
Implementing practices for operations, responsibility delegation and decision-making
The key responsibilities of key organizational roles
Culture, ethics and behavior
Creating, encouraging and maintaining desired behaviors
Relating organizational and individual ethics with goals
Reviewing the information quality categories
Interrelating the five steps of the information cycle with the information enablers
Applying information attributes to layers
Assessing context and quality of information to the user with key attributes
Services, infrastructure and applications
Analyzing the five architecture principles that govern the use of IT-related resources
Relationship with the other enablers
People, skills and competencies
Defining skill requirements for each role
Mapping the skill categories to the process domains
Skill categories in relation to the process domains
Module 5: Performance Management with COBIT 2019
Performance Management Principles
Simple to understand and use
Consistent with conceptual model
Providing reliable, repeatable, relevant results
Flexible to suit different organizations
Supporting multiple assessment types
Managing performance of processes
CMMI-based process capability scheme
The six process capability levels
Focus area maturity levels
Managing performance of other components
Module 6: Designing and implementing a tailored governance system
The design process
Understanding the need for tailoring
Using design factors and variants
Stages and steps in the design process
The relationship between design and implementation
The COBIT 2019 seven phase implementation approach
Where are we now?
Where do we want to be?
What needs to be done?
How do we get there?
Did we get there?
How do we keep the momentum going?
There are no hard pre-requisites for this course, background in service management is preferred but not essential.
Who Should Attend ?
Project ManagersTeam Leaders / Business Analyst
Business Development Manager
Emerging Managers
IT Managers/ IT Consulttants
Mid-career professionals expected to lead Projects
International Student Fee : 500$
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