Search Marketing Pay-per-Click (PPC) Course

Search Marketing Pay-per-Click (PPC) Course


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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:20,000


Search Marketing Pay-per-Click (PPC) Course

Pay-Per-Click advertising is a type of search engine marketing which is used to obtain visibility on a search engine results page (SERP) with the aim of driving qualified traffic to a site. It is based on a Pay-Per-Click model where the advertiser only pays the search engine when a user interacts with or clicks on an ad and is thus driven to the advertisers landing page.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising as you only pay when the user clicks with the intention of going to your site. This is only after you have chosen for your ad to be shown against relevant keywords to your business or service that the user has searched for

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-Per Click is advertising on a search engine in a bid to drive traffic to a website, only paying when someone clicks on your ad.

PPC Course Summary

This course will allow you to better understand and appreciate the importance of Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC), and how it can be used to effectively drive quality traffic to your website. We cover the key concepts and terminology used within the field of PPC and will equip you with the technical understanding and skills to build and maintain an effective PPC strategy.

Learn how to set up a Google AdWords account, and develop an AdWords campaign. The process of setting up a Google AdWords campaign will focus on three key elements: keyword research, ad copy and landing pages. AdWords campaign settings and ongoing campaign management are also addressed.

Setup and manage budgets for AdWords campaigns and measure and analyze the effectiveness of the campaigns by generating detailed reports.

PPC Course Topics:

PPC Module-1

Key Concepts
Strengths of PPC
Keyword Research
Display Networks
Google PPC
Ad Center
Research Tools
Campaign Management

PPC Module-2

Search Campaign Process
Conversion Tracking
Keyword Selection
Conversion Metrics
Ad Copy
Landing Pages
Laws & Guidelines

Resources & Recommended Reading

For the most up to date information on PPC (Pay-Per-Click) please see the following online resources:

Google AdWords Tutorials fessionals/
Google AdWords Blog
PPC Hero
Certified Knowledge
Clix Marketing
Acquisio Blog
Internationational Student Fees: USD100$

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