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 2Month/20 Hours                                                  Price:85,000


Blockchain Programming

Blockchain promises to become a dominant technology in financial and other transactions, whether cryptocurrencies thrive or die. This module will also give you a practical and theoretical knowledge of security issues with blockchains, where blockchains come from, how to analyse competing notions for blockchains (i.e. proof of stake vs proof of work and Bitcoin vs Ethereum), and what applications there are in the future.
You’ll learn about digital signatures, hashing and proof-of-work mining. We’ll design and build a scheme for decentralized consensus including communicating over TCP/IP sockets. Bring your basic knowledge of Python, and you’ll emerge on the other side with a grasp of cryptocurrencies better than 99% of your peers and with a working prototype you can build on.

Course Key Learnings

Build a cryptocoin from scratch using Python
Digitally sign messages and verify signatures
Design and build a tamper-proof blockchain to store any kind of data
Secure your blockchain with a proof-of-work requirement
Open sockets to communicate transactions and block with peers

Course Outline
Introduction to Python Basis
Python Basics: Functions, Loops, If Statements and Modules
Python Basics: Classes
Python Basics: Inheritance
Python Basics: Catching Errors with Try/Except

Digital Signatures
Signatures for Crypto currencies
Digital Signatures
Test Driven Development
Installing Modules with PIP
String by Bytes

Block Chain
Hash functions
Crytographic hashins
Computing hash functions with Python
Block Chain
Assignment: Blockchain for general dat

Multiple output addresses
Multi-signature transactions
Assignment: Transaction class Part 1
Assignment: Transaction class Part 2
Solution: Part 1
Solution: Part 2

Blockchain Based Transactions Ledger
Securing a public transactions ledger
Assignment 1: Save and restore with pickle
Assignment 1: Solution
Assignment 2: The TxBlock class

Mining And Proof of Work
The Dark Side of Decentralization
Proof-of-Work Quiz
Assignment 1: Mining rewards
Assignment 1: Solution
Assignment 2: Nonce requirement
Additional Python tips and tricks
Assignment 2: Solution

Communication With Peers
Non-blocking server
Client-server code along
Pickling data for communication
Finishing up client-server
Miner and Wallet
Building a socket communication utility
Assignment: Build a Miner
Placing the new block


Basic Threading
Assignment 1: Test Miner Using Threads
Assignment 1: Solution
Assignment 2: Wallet client and server
Assignment 2: Solution
Coding Best Practices
Assignment 3: Saving and Restoring Keys
Assignment 3: Solution
Save and Restore Blocks and Transactions


Beginning knowledge of any programming language
Python 3.x
A text editor

Who this course is for:
Programmers of all skill levels who want to learn cryptocurrencies from the inside
Crypto-junkies who want to learn some programming

International Student Fee: 500 USD

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